Bonus Days – Another week without Picard.

The super duper chemo treatment that was scheduled for today got postponed for a week.

It seems my white blood cell count is still a bit on the low side.  Not low enough to cause me to be ultra vulnerable to viruses, but low enough to be of concern.

The concern isn’t how low the count is, but how low it would probably become after the super duper chemo treatment.  If it gets too low the possible side effects could be wickedly nasty.

Dr. Ey decided it would be prudent to postpone treatment for a week.  This will give the white cells a chance to breed, or whatever it is white blood cells do to multiply.

Whatever it is, I hope they are having a good time.

Apparently the low blood cell situation happens fairly regularly.  It is not considered a problem and does not interfere with the effectiveness of treatment.

Of course, the really significant thing is they didn’t hook me back up to Picard.  I am a free man for another week.

This is mighty darned nice.

Next Wednesday I get the super duper chemo treatment after getting Picard re-connected, followed by a special shot on Thursday, followed by getting IV fluids on Friday.

That “special shot” costs $6000 a pop.  Which does make it pretty special.  Thank goodness for insurance.

I am assuming the shot is so expensive because it contains dandruff accumulated from the wing tips of endangered Amazonian butterflies that must be collected at the stroke of midnight by PhD botanists who have received advanced trained at Johns Hopkins University.

My understanding is Amazonian butterfly dandruff has amazing healing powers, which could account for the costs.

Either that or there’s a huge profit margin for the shots and pharmaceutical stocks are about skyrocket.

I’m betting it’s the butterflies.

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3 Responses to Bonus Days – Another week without Picard.

  1. Marcia says:

    I think they should make the shot $5999.99. It just sounds better. I’m betting on the butterflies, too.

    I understand that there is a comet around. I always think that comets are a good sign.

  2. Linda Hartig says:

    Hmmm. I sure hope that “special shot” is worth it!! How is Amazon butterfly dandruff different from the Picard juice? Anyway, I hope next week will be as fine as this week!

  3. Gary says:

    Marcia – $5999.00 would sound somewhat better, but $59.99 would sound better still. Comets are a good sign unless they turn into asteroids and crash into you house. Then they’re not such a good sign.
    Linda – I’ve haven’t tried the Amazon butterfly dandruff yet, so I can’t compare it to Picard Juice. After I try it I’ll let you know if I can tell the difference.

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