Iron Man.

My last post on getting the IV iron infusion prompted Marcia to observe she was surprised I missed the obvious Iron Man reference.


None-the-less, I figure it is not too late. I’ll just pretend I was saving it for this post. Which, of course, I was.

Though I felt crappy for a few days after the infusion the beneficial effects seem to be kicking in. I am already less fatigued. This should get even better over the next few weeks.

In other words, I will soon be a full fledged Iron Man.

Adding balance to this good news is that I am experiencing Lorazapam withdrawal.

Lorazapam is usually used as an anti-anxiety medication. In my case it was prescribed for it’s anti-nausea benefits.

I stopped using it during the day because it made me stupid. I continued taking it before bed because it settled my stomach, made it easier to sleep, and being stupid is less important when you are asleep.

I started to realize it was making it too much easier to sleep. I was looking forward to it a bit too much.

I decided it was time to look into it more. I learned people easily became dependent on the drug as well as it having tons of really nasty long term side effects.

I decided it was time to say goodbye to my new friend.

At my doctors’ recommendation, I reduced my dose by fifty percent for a week, then totally stopped taking it.

Some of the potential side effects of withdrawal are decreased appetite, difficulty sleeping, rapid weight loss, anxiety, nausea, and vomiting.

I’ve had all of these, but can’t tell which are from the lorazapam withdrawal and which are just left over from the cancer treatment. I’m hoping it’s the lorazapam withdrawal because the symptoms would likely go away quicker. I think.

I’ve also been concerned about my weight loss.

I am now at 167 pounds, which is at the lower end of what a healthy weight is for someone my height and body build. I’ve been losing about two pounds a month and nothing I’ve tried so far has stopped the loss.

None of my doctors seem particularly concerned. I think a self regulating mechanism will kick in pretty soon and my weight will stabilize. I’ll be relieved when it does.

On an unrelated topic, my hair is growing back thicker, darker, and curlier. Combined with my trim physique I am looking pretty sharp.

Everyone comments on how good I look, which I can see it in the mirror. So along with everything else I’ve had to deal with I now have to cope with vanity.







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6 Responses to Iron Man.

  1. john mc lane says:

    Hi Gary,
    You missed friday when I told some of my best jokes ever.(you might think my best jokes are none to good)
    Anyhow I never repeat jokes as you know just as I never discuss politics.So you have missed those forever.
    See you next week?

  2. Gary says:

    I am devastated I missed your jokes and will now never have the opportunity to hear them. Oh well.  That’s the way it goes. 

    I missed swimming Friday because the lorazepam withdrawal pretty much wiped me out. I’m planning on swimming on Monday. See you then. 

  3. Linda H. says:

    Gee, I hope the withdrawal goes by quickly! After what you’ve been through, go ahead and be as vain as you like. You DO look remarkably good after a traumatic year! At 167 lbs, you’re still 7 pounds over what Hugo weighed when got married, believe it or not! We look forward to more posts as things settle down (hint, hint). Thanks for this one!

  4. Gary says:

    I’m so pretty, oh so pretty, oh so petty and witty and wild.

  5. Louise Rancourt says:

    Ok Gary and Anne, just to whet your “appetites”, expect a surprise delivery the end of next week……!

    p.s. I weaned myself off some antidepressants and it was HELL. I take a wonderful 25mg tablet of an old trycyclic, doxepin, and it is amazing, not addicting and I will never never never give it up. Great for sleeping, mood, pain, nausea, at least for me!!!

    Just tryin’ to stay cool!!

    L & D

  6. Gary says:

    Getting off the Lorazapan has been more difficult than I anticipated.  I got really sick when I totally stopped taking it. I am now easing off of it more slowly. We are looking forward to your surprise. 

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