Strawberry jam – it’s a good thing

Hi, Marcia here with an update and a list of things that are going better for the Olsons.

Although he is still extremely tired, Gary had enough energy to walk around the yard.

Yesterday he consumed 866 calories by mouth.  That’s about three or even four times more than what he was able to eat last week.

He now seems to be able to eat toast.

He had strawberry jam on his toast, although one would hope he didn’t look as maniacal about it as the girl in the picture does.

Things are far from perfect yet, however his icky reactions when he eats are less icky than they’ve been in the past.

There is a plan to reduce his caloric intake from TPN by 25% each week.  This feels good.

There is still much progress to be made, but things seem, at last, to be headed in the right direction.

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4 Responses to Strawberry jam – it’s a good thing

  1. Linda H. says:

    Good news! We all hope things continue on this upward trend!

  2. Louise Rancourt says:

    WOW WOW WOW!!! It is SO great to hear the good news!!! Gary you truly have been to hell and back with the best attitude of anyone I know.

    LOVE the picture of the little girl taking us back to a truly wonderful time. White bread, jelly, mayo., butter…; boy do I miss the food of those days. #$*# on low carbs!!!!


    L & D

  3. John Mc Lane says:

    Hi Gary,
    I have been discussing politics at the pool, against your advice, and It never gets me anywhwere. These conservatives do not appreciate Obama or Clinton, my two favorites! I will quit talking politics as soon as you rejoin the pool group!!!
    Glad you are felling better.

  4. Gary says:

    I can’t understand why these guys don’t think Obama is cool for getting us into another unnecessary war. They loved it when George did it, but don’t like Barak for doing the same thing. They also hate the stimulus package even though that was initiated by George and Obama just followed his leadership. I’d appreciate it if you’d get these guys straightened out before I return to the pool. Maybe if you talked louder they would come around to your way of thinking.

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