Third Super Duper Chemo Done.

Yesterday I had the third round of super duper chemo.  This will be the last super duper one for the first series.  After this, I will have several more Picard refills to do, then I’ll be done with round one.

Then comes surgery, another nine week round of chemo, then I’m done.

The appointment with Dr. Ey on Wednesday went well.  He agrees with Joanne, the nurse practitioner, that things are going really well.

He attributes this to my overall good health when I began, my diligence in staying healthy during the process, and dumb luck.

He didn’t give any credit to the acupuncture or Chinese Medicine.  Which is to be expected.

My blood work continues to be very positive.  On Friday and Monday I will be going in for IV fluids since this seemed to help alleviate symptoms.

Also on Friday I’ll get another $5.999.99 shot to boost the white blood cell count.  Those white blood cells are greedy little buggers.  It’s like extortion.  They are demanding “Give us the shot or we’re out of here”.

Fortunately, they’re extorting the insurance company, not us.

As to how I’m feeling after the supper duper chemo.  I feel crappy.

These super duper chemo treatments leave me totally wrung out.  They leave you feeling about as sick as you get with a bad cold.  Which isn’t all that bad, but not pleasant.

The first day or so the medication makes it difficult for me to think clearly.  During these times Anne keeps a close eye on me to make sure I’m doing everything there is that I need to be doing.  Which is considerable.

I’m not having problems swallowing yet, but the thought of eating is pretty unappetizing.  I’m hoping tomorrows IV fluids will take care of the swallowing issue.

I figured I’d end with a short piece of advice.

If anyone ever recommends that you try chemo as a recreational drug, don’t do it.

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2 Responses to Third Super Duper Chemo Done.

  1. Candace says:

    When you mentioned that the thought of eating is pretty unappetizing, I totally understand that sentiment. For me, it was radiation therapy, which created that feeling. I feel nauseated just thinking about it.
    Well, I’m glad that the third *super duper* round of the first series is over.
    BTW, Gary, have you noticed that your treatment sounds like a sporting event?

  2. Gary says:

    Oh My God! Not only do they sound like a sporting event, they sound like golf. This is awful. It’s time for some military analogies. I’m going to destroy the enemy with an air strike of overwhelming destructiveness that will leave the field scorched and burned, not clobbered my some damned golf ball.

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