Not Borg material

Although we are not quite ready to breathe a collective sigh of relief, we have let out just a bit of the collective breath we’ve been holding.  The weekend passed and Gary didn’t end up in the ER with an infection.

We are waiting for the next few days to pass and along with it the danger of an infection.  Thanks for all the prayers and positive thoughts and energy.  We know it has helped.

In other news, Gary felt well enough to attend the Washington County Public Affairs Forum today.  I’m sure they were very happy to have him back.  He actually feels better without the tube in his body.  He was never really cut out to be a Borg.

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5 Responses to Not Borg material

  1. Linda H says:

    Good news! I see Gary has been on facebook again – always a good indicator of some energy and the mind working creatively. We continue with cautious optimism!

  2. Gary says:

    It’s Tuesday night and I don’t have a fever or any of the signs of infection. It’s not over yet, but it’s looking promising. This might work out.

  3. Gary says:

    I was on Facebook because I had to know if cows wanted to learn how to dance which dance would they want to learn. It was an important question.

  4. Gary,

    I am so glad you have been able to remain an “out-patient”, though there have been many bumps in the road.

    Anne, did you attend the July reunion? I saw you were signed up, but didn’t see you. There were lots of people I didn’ see or maybe recognize. It was hard to matriculate(sp?) thru the masses. No class photos, either.

    Take Care, PLT

  5. Anne says:

    Hi Paul,

    No I was not at the reunion. We had hoped to get to La Grande then, but Gary was having a hard time with chemo and we ended up deciding we just weren’t up to making the trip. It would have been fun to see folks from other classes, but I wonder who I would have recognized outside my own class.

    Gary and I both appreciate your comments.


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