One peach slice at a time…

Hi, Marcia here with a quick update on the Olsons.

It seems that every day is a little better. Complications today were mechanical rather than medical and related to pumps that wouldn’t prime. They can put a man on the moon, give a guy a new stomach, but…

Gary is continuing to experiment with eating and had one more peach slice today than yesterday.   He’s still receiving most of his nutritional needs via his port, but once his chyle leak (you’ll have to Google it) is healed, he will progress to tube feeding.

He was also able to walk down their side street to the next street and back.  He has progressed from just plain feeling crappy to “recovering from surgery”.

Anne had a day free from health related phone calls, Home Health nurse visits, etc. and was even able to get her bangs trimmed.   Hooray for a little normalcy.

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2 Responses to One peach slice at a time…

  1. Linda H says:

    Seems like good news all around. It must be nice to walk around the neighborhood again. We hope that can continue with longer walks each day. And eating a real peach slice — wow, that must be great! We all send positive thoughts toward gaining strength, eating a bit, and generally keeping your spirits up! And it’s good to hear about Anne, too. A normal day must be a treasure!

  2. Hugo Hartig says:

    Hi Gary,
    I’m just checking in to let you know that I am still following your blog and thinking about you. Things seem to be about as good as you could expect, so that’s good news. I know that you still have to recover from the major surgery and that you still have to endure more chemo, but it seems like you might be able actually to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Hang in there! This, too, shall pass.

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